
Wednesday 26 May 2021

What a good friend looks like / Kiwi Kids News

What does a good friend look like?

Friends can come in many forms: they can be young or old, or might even be an animal like a pet. A good human friend:
A  lways brings out the best in you
G  enerally keeps your secrets, unless they affect your safety
O  ften shares your interests
O  ften shares your feelings, and always understands you
D  efends you and sticks up for you – even when others don’t
F   orgives you if you make mistakes or do something silly that hurts them
R   egularly shares with you: toys, thoughts, fun, limelight … everything
I    ncludes you in whatever they’re doing
E   ncourages you and isn’t jealous of you
N  ever lets you down
D  oesn’t try to control you, but tells you when you’re doing something stupid
They may not do all these things all the time; but they’ll do many of them most of the time.